Apple Writer IIe: Converting DOS files to ProDOS

This article describes how to convert Apple Writer IIe DOS files to ProDOS.
To convert Apple Writer IIe DOS files to ProDOS, first print your files to disk:

1. Insert your destination diskette into the drive.

2. Press "p" while holding down the Control key.

3. Type in PD8 Return.

4. Press control P again, then press NP to begin printing to your disk.

5. Enter your file name when prompted. Don't forget to type the disk drive and slot number if necessary.

Note: You type PD8 because there is no slot 8 in an Apple IIe. This alerts Apple Writer to print to a disk and ask you for a file name.

Now convert your file from DOS to ProDOS using the Apple IIc Utilities disk (part number 680-3234) or the CONVERT program on the the ProDOS User's disk (part number 680-0224).
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012