System 7: Using Personal LaserWriter SC and LaserWriter IISC

I've installed System 7, and now I can't print to my LaserWriter IISC. The installer did not replace my old LaserWriter SC driver. I keep getting print errors when I use the driver that came with the printer. How do I fix this?

The LaserWriter IISC printer software is not compatible with any version of System 7. You might be able to print using the LaserWriter IISC print driver if background printing is turned off, but this is not recommended. To permanently fix this problem, you need to use the Personal LaserWriter SC printer driver from the Printing disk to print to this printer.

Copy the Personal LaserWriter SC driver from the System 7 Printing disk to the Extensions folder on your startup volume. Select the Personal LaserWriter SC icon in the Chooser.

You can use the Personal LaserWriter SC driver with both the Personal LaserWriter SC and the LaserWriter IISC. This is true for versions prior to System 7 as well.

Article Change History:
24 Aug 92 - Incorporated similar articles and clarified that the Personal
LaserWriter SC driver is the same as the LaserWriter IISC driver.
11 Jul 94 - Clarified that the LaserWriter IISC driver is not system 7

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012