Macintosh System Software 6.0.7: Troubleshooting (2 of 2)

If the difficulties persist after you work through the four steps outlined in part 1 of this article, review the installation of the system software. This document (part 2 of the article) gives the proper procedures for reinstalling system software 6.0.7.
Do not use Minimum Install. The Minimum Install option of the System Software Installer is meant for creating bootable floppy disks and may not contain all the resources you need for a complete system.

You may install using the "Easy Install" option or by customizing which system resources are written to your disk. Below is the first of two custom installation procedures.

1) Start up from the Installer floppy disk. (800K=System Tools; 1.4MB=System Startup).

2) Remove from the System Folder any items that you wish to save, and that weren't installed with Apple's Installer.

3) Drag the System Folder to the Trash.

4) Empty the Trash.

5) Launch the Installer. Now you have the choice to do an Easy Install, or to customize your installation. This will be more involved, but may be the best approach. To do this, click on the Customize button. This will present a scrolling text field. Here are the choices you must make:
You will want AppleShare if you are using AppleShare file servers. The network administrator may want you to have AppleTalk Responder. Some applications (usually graphic programs) require 32-Bit QuickDraw. You will need to know which printer to use. In the case of the ImageWriter, you need to know whether it is an AppleTalk network printer or a locally attached printer. And finally, you will need to know which model of Macintosh you are using.

Shift-click on each of the choices in the scrolling text field.

6) Make sure you see the disk displayed on which you want to install the system software, and click the Install button.

The following steps are for the second custom installation method. Use this procedure with understanding and caution. This solution is not verified, however it solved difficulties with 6.0.7 at certain sites. This is more involved than the last procedure, and requires more patience when trying this sequence. Certain rules appear to be violated, but for good reasons.

1) Start up from the Installer floppy disk. (800K=System Tools; 1.4MB=System Startup)

2) Remove from the System Folder any items that you wish to save, and you didn't install with Apple's Installer.

3) Drag the System Folder to the Trash.

4) Here is where the rules are bent. Empty the Trash and drag a copy of the System Folder from the Installer floppy disk onto the hard drive. BUT don't stop here! Now continue with step 5 of the first custom installation sequence.

There are no guarantees with this procedure. But it is worth the time if you continue to have difficulties.

If you still have difficulties after attempting all of these procedures, make backups of all important files. Then reformat the hard drive and reinstall system software 6.0.7. On Apple hard disks be sure to use Apple HD SC Setup v2.0.3 or later to reformat (reinitialize). For third-party hard disks, use their formatting or installation software.

If you continue to have problems, ask your service provider to check for hardware problems.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012