Here's how to interface a Brother EM-701 typewriter to an Apple IIe with
a Super Serial Card. This information was supplied by Merlin's Computers,
Covina, California.
Brother EM-701 Switch Settings
SW-1-1 ON
1-2 OFF
1-3 ON
1-4 OFF
1-5 OFF
1-6 OFF
1-7 OFF
1-8 ON
SW-2-1 OFF
2-2 OFF These set the typewriter to 9600 baud.
2-3 OFF
2-4 OFF
SW-2 Controls the baud rate of the typewriter. If the typewriter is set to
8-bit transmission, the typewriter will need a different print wheel because
of the $ and %. The characters don't appear in the 8-bit form or have
problems printing.
Super Serial Card
(The Super Serial Card needs to have the jumper block pointing toward
SW-1-1 OFF
1-2 OFF
1-3 OFF
1-4 ON
1-5 ON
1-6 ON
1-7 ON
SW-2-1 ON
2-2 OFF
2-3 OFF
2-4 OFF
2-5 ON
2-6 ON
2-7 OFF
Apple Computer, Inc., is not responsible for the content of this article.
Merlin's Computers