System 7: Lost Microsoft Word Custom Icons Fix

Under System 7, whenever I save a Microsoft Word file with a custom icon, the icon becomes the generic document icon. Also, the comments in the Get Info box disappear.
Microsoft Word is one of the few programs that completely rewrites an existing document when it saves, rather than updating the original. This deletes the custom icon and the Get Info comments from the file. But the file is still marked to use a custom icon, and the Finder deals with this by assigning it the generic document icon.

To fix the icon, use ResEdit or another resource utility to reset the "Use custom icon" bit to off. Pasting in a custom icon will not fix the problem; you will get the error message "The command could not be completed because an error of type -39 occurred."

Here is a workaround for Word files saved in normal format (this doesn't work for Word text files):

1) In Microsoft Word, choose Commands from the Edit menu.
2) Choose Fast Save Enabled, and click Add.
3) Save the change, replacing the current Word Settings.
4) Cancel out of the Commands window.
5) Under MS Word's Edit Menu, make sure Fast Save Enabled has a check next to it.
6) You should now be able to change the document without losing the custom icon.

Warning: The use of ResEdit is not recommended for anyone unfamiliar with its use. Irreparable damage to your software is possible, always work from a backup. If you are unfamiliar with its use, do not use it.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012