System 7: Role of Font/DA Mover 4.1

In the System 7 Group Upgrade Kit, there's a copy of Font/DA Mover 4.1, but no instructions for using it. The only reference to it is on page 64 of the "Group Upgrade Guide," which says that it isn't compatible with System 7. Why did Apple include it on the CD?
Using with System 7

Font/DA Mover 4.1 is compatible with System 7, although you do not need to use Font/DA Mover to manipulate fonts in the System file and other suitcases directly in the Finder. However, the Font/DA Mover 4.1 is necessary to use with System 7 if you want to manipulate/add/delete fonts within a specific application such as MusicProse or Finale! by Coda Music.

It is also possible to use Font/DA Mover with System 7 to recover fonts from a damaged System file, but Apple does not recommend or support this use of the Font/DA Mover.

Using with System 6

Font/DA Mover 4.1, along with the TrueType extension, is included on the System 7 CD-ROM so customers can use TrueType fonts on Macintosh computers running System 6. Font/DA Mover 4.1 allows System 6 users to manipulate TrueType fonts (view, copy, and remove) in their System file and other suitcases, in addition to bitmap fonts and desk accessories. It is otherwise identical to earlier versions of Font/DA Mover.

The TrueType extension (INIT) allows System 6 users to create, display and print documents that use TrueType fonts. It's fully compatible with system software 6.0.7 and 6.0.8. It may also work with version 6.0.5, but Apple hasn't fully tested it, and doesn't support this use of it.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012