Procedures for System Software 6.0.5 or Later
- System 6.0.5 requires HyperCard 1.2.5 or higher; make sure you have the right version.
- Start from the System 7 Disk Tools disk and run Disk First Aid, then try Compatibility Checker again.
- Copy the HyperCard application and Home stack from the System 7 HyperCard disk and the Compatibility Checker stack from the "Before You Install" disk to your hard drive. Now try running the Compatibility Checker from the hard drive.
- If the Compatibility Checker still won't launch, there may be a problem with the current System 6 software. Start up with the System 6 System Tools disk or the version 6.0.7 System Startup disk and install the operating system with Installer.
- Back up your hard disk, start from the Install 1 disk and install System 7 first. After the installation is complete, restart the computer with the shift key down to temporarily disable all system extensions.
Procedures for System Software 6.0.4 or Earlier
- Make sure you are using the correct version of HyperCard. See the Operating System/HyperCard Requirements section of this article to find the HyperCard version you need.
- You must upgrade to System 7 before using the Compatibility Checker if:
* You don't have the correct version of HyperCard on your hard disk and can't locate it on a floppy disk.
* You are using a version of the system software earlier than 4.1.
There are more instructions for this procedure on page 11 of the "How to Install System 7" manual, included with System 7. After the installation, restart the computer while pressing the shift key to temporarily disable all system extensions.
Operating System/HyperCard Requirements
System Version Recommended HyperCard Versions
-------------- -------------------------------
7.0 2.1 or later
6.0.5 - 6.0.7 1.2.5, 2.0 or later
6.0.4 1.2.5
4.1 - 6.0.3 1.2.2
Prior to 4.1 n/a
For information about Compatibility Checker error messages, search under "System 7" and "Compatibility Checker".