System 7: GemStart 030 Accelerator Control Panel Upgrade

I have a Macintosh Plus with a GemStart 030 Accelerator installed. When I open the Users & Groups control panel and then open a user icon, the window freezes. I cannot move, make changes to, or close the window, but I can access the menu bar.

Also, whenever I get a system error, I see only the upper portion of the dialog box. The lower portion isn't visible.
The GemStart 030 Accelerator control panel version 1.3.3 is neither System 7 nor AppleTalk Phase 2 compatible and, therefore, may cause file-sharing and printing difficulties. To prevent this from occurring, try turning off the GemStart "Copy ROM into RAM" option.

There are two workarounds:

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Article 17159: "Locating Vendor Information"
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012