AppleTalk: Internet Router Phase I vs Phase II Fix

We are running an AppleTalk Phase I network with six zones connected through a Banyan Vines server to an Ethernet network with a single zone. One AppleTalk zone is connected through a Hayes Interbridge to another AppleTalk network in another location. The issue is that the AppleTalk Internet router won't cross the Hayes Internet bridge to the AppleTalk network at the remote site. My goal is to run Microsoft QuickMail with Banyan's Quick Mail through the Hayes Internet bridge to my remote site. If the Internet Router is not compatible with the Hayes internet bridge, then I must find something else.
You probably have an AppleTalk Phase I versus Phase II issue. Most Hayes Interbridges are Phase I devices, while an unaltered Internet Router is Phase II. An "upgrade utility"--an INIT--comes with the Internet Router. Once installed in the System Folder of the router CPU, the INIT lets the Router pass Phase I packets. As a short-term workaround, you can install this to get up and running.

Due to the complexity of the network, we advise upgrading all devices to AppleTalk Phase II. With the zones and routers you mentioned, the Phase II protocols will be more efficient. Usually, this upgrade can be done through software. The Interbridge is the exception: it requires a ROM upgrade.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012