Apple IIGS: $8002 Error

I've been getting the "$8002 error" when I drag anything over to my second
partition under GS/OS 5.0.2. After pulling out other cards, I'm left with
my high-speed SCSI card and my Applied Engineering memory expansion board.
This is on an older GS "01" board.

There are two possibilities.

The first, less likely, possibility is that there is a soft error somewhere
on your hard drive, and it's preventing GS/OS (actually, the SCSI driver)
from the reading some necessary information from the second partition. If
re-installing GS/OS and the High-Speed SCSI drivers doesn't solve the
problem, you probably will have to reformat the hard drive.

The second is slightly more likely: Some Applied Engineering cards use the
DMA channel to move information. The IIGS has only one DMA channel, and
the High-Speed SCSI card may be fighting the AE card for access to the

Here are two things to try: Either turn off the DMA access on the
High-Speed SCSI (DIP switch 1) or remove the AE card completely from the
system and then test. I believe that Applied Engineering has an update for
some of their memory cards to deal with this situation. If you find that
this is the problem, try contacting them for a possible fix.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012