Softcard III: BDOS Errors

Sometimes, as a program runs, it drops out with a message BDOS ERROR BREAK IN
(various numbers). After this, either the program proceeds after a return or
the entire machine is locked up. This happens at infreqent intervals on many
other Apple IIIs and other Softcards.

It may seem that the problem is hardware-related, but in fact BDOS ERRORS are
usually caused by the CP/M software when it attempts to access a device that is
not ready or not on line. In the most common situation, the program tries to
read a non-existent disk drive; this reports a BDOS ERROR ON xx: SELECT.
Typing a RETURN should return you to the system prompt, and typing an 'R' will
retry the last command. The BDOS ERROR BREAK message example above is from
MBASIC and refers to the fact that the program attempted to access a device
that is not ready or on line; the number in the message is the line number of
the MBASIC statement which tried the read. To avoid this message, use the ON
ERROR GOTO statement to branch to statements that display instructions to ready
the device or put it on line.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012