AppleShare Print Spooler: Ways to Speed Performance


I'm currently running an AppleShare Print Spooler on a Macintosh Plus with
an external HD20. Would the speed and throughput of the spooler be
increased if I upgraded it to a faster Macintosh or if I added more memory
to my Macintosh Plus?

Anything EXCEPT memory would increase the performance of your spooler. RAM
performance improvements are incremental, but usually not enough to justify
the cost of the RAM. This depends on how many utilities you may have
running on your server, but if you're running a stripped-down server, you
don't really need more memory.

Here are the items that will most improve the performance of your server:
* Cabling type (using Ethernet instead of LocalTalk)
* Getting a faster computer
* Getting a faster hard drive

We can't really provide any hard statistics on performance because there
are far too many variables and that change from moment to moment during
network use.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012