Here are some Pascal III I/O errors reported (in Volume 2 of the programmer's
manual) as SOS errors and which cannot be found in the SOS Apple Technical
Communications Manual. The remarks are general and made without knowing the
circumstances, applications or languages involved.
36: Device not available = SOS error $24
Error $24 means that a device like a printer is not on-line, although a driver
that will return this error is not known.
44: Invalid byte count = SOS error $2C
Error $2C means that a SOS call from an application didn't have the appropriate
parameter list for the call.
45: Invalid block number = SOS error $2D
Error $2D means that the application is asking for a block past the end of the
disk. This has occurred with System Utilities. There the problem is that some
program, perhaps Apple Writer, changes the directory or index blocks on the
disk so that the file points off the end.