Macintosh Classic and Macintosh SE: Memory Map

What is the memory map of the Macintosh Classic and Macintosh SE?

The Macintosh Classic and the Macintosh SE share the same memory map; here
it is:

Range: Used for:
$00 0000 - $3F FFFF RAM
$40 0000 - $43 FFFF ROM
$44 0000 - $57 FFFF No device assigned
$58 0000 - $5F FFFF SCSI
$60 0000 - $8F FFFF No device assigned
$90 0000 - $9F FFFF SCC read
$A0 0000 - $A9 FFFF No device assigned
$AA 0000 - $AF FFFF Expansion enable
$B0 0000 - $BF FFFF SCC write
$C0 0000 - $CF FFFF No device assigned
$D0 0000 - $DF FFFF IWM
$E0 0000 - $E7 FFFF No device assigned
$E8 0000 - $EF FFFF VIA
$F0 0000 - $FF FFFF No device assigned

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012