A/UX: Missing Toolbox ROM Routines (9/94)

Using A/UX 3.0, I can't compile my programs because four routines aren't found by the linker.

Here's a sample program that demonstrates missing routines:


#include <printing.h>
#include <osutils.h>

int rom,machine;

Environs (&rom, &machine);


# makefile for testing ttt.c

CFLAGS = -O -I /usr/include/mac -B /usr/lib/big/
LDFLAGS = /usr/lib/low.o -lmac_s -lat -lld -lmr -lc_s /lib/crtn.o \\

SRC = ttt.o

ttt: $(SRC)
ld /usr/lib/maccrt0.o /lib/crt2.o -o ttt $(SRC) \\


$ make
cc -O -I /usr/include/mac -B /usr/lib/big/ -c ttt.c
ld /usr/lib/maccrt0.o /lib/crt2.o -o ttt ttt.o \\
/usr/lib/low.o -lmac_s -lat -lld -lmr -lc_s /lib/crtn.o

undefined first referenced
symbol in file
GetDateTime ttt.o
Environs ttt.o
PrStlInit ttt.o
PrDlgMain ttt.o
ld fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to ttt
Make: *** Error: Update of ttt terminated with exit code 13
Make: [line 10 in /home/dumais/Makefile]


I've found alternate ways of getting the time and the machine type, but I can't find a solution for the printing routines.

Where are these routines implemented in A/UX? I have searched the /usr/lib/libmac.a and /usr/lib/libmac_s.a libraries for the missing routines.

In A/UX 2.0, 2.0.1, and 3.0 we have verified this problem. The above A/UX Toolbox ROM routines are not included in any of the Macintosh libraries and aren't supported by A/UX.

Article Change History:
08 Sep 1994 - Reviewed.
31 Aug 1992 - Reviewed.

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012