Macintosh: Printing From Mac OS Through A/UX Spooler

Can I use an A/UX spooler (Berkeley or System V) to spool AppleTalk printing? For instance, if I am running under the Mac OS and want to print to a LaserWriter, can I access a spooler on A/UX (as A/UX can do for other UNIX systems)?
The Columbia AppleTalk Package for UNIX (CAP) from Columbia University does what you want. The CAP package includes CAP libraries and utility programs such as:

look: finds and reports AppleTalk entities on the network.

looks: finds "LaserWriters" on the network and returns their status.

papif: spools jobs from UNIX to a LaserWriter over AppleTalk

lsrv/lwsrv/iwsrv: receives jobs from Macintosh by pretending to be a LaserWriter or AppleTalk ImageWriter.

AUFS: stands for AppleTalk Filing Protocol UNIX File Server. It is the server implementation of AFP running on UNIX corresponding to Apple's AppleShare server for the Macintosh. AUFS is not AppleShare, however. AUFS requires that the AppleShare workstation software be installed on the client Macintosh.

For more information about CAP and Kinetic Internet Protocol (KIP), including where to get them, see the following Tech Info Library article:

Article 3142: "UNIX: KIP And CAP Information"
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012