InBox: Using with Macintosh System Software 7.0

Can I use InBox with the file sharing capabilities of Macintosh System 7?
The following is from Sun Select (formerly Sitka Corporation):

Sun Select Tech Note 1404: InBox and Apple's System 7.0

Sun Select- 5/22/91

InBox and Apple's System 7.0 InBox for Macintosh and InBox Plus for Macintosh provide full messaging, routing and administrative functionality under Apple System 7.0. Follow the instructions below to install and use InBox under System 7.0.

Upgrading an InBox Client from System 6 to System 7.0

1) If InBox is installed as a Desk Accessory, use the Font/DA Mover to remove the InBox DA.

2) Use the Apple Installer to upgrade to System 7.0.

3) If the Apple Installer moved the InBox INIT to the Control Panels Folder, drag it back to the root level of the System Folder.

4) Drag the InBox Preferences file from the Preferences Folder to the root level of the System Folder.

5) If you wish to access InBox from the Apple Menu, drag the InBox application into the Apple Menu Items Folder. Do not install the InBox DA into the Apple Menu Items Folder. The InBox DA should not be used on System 7.0 machines.

Note: The InBox INIT must reside at the root level of the System Folder. You can double-click on it to access the Control Panel settings. If you wish to access it from the Control Panels Folder itself, you can make an Alias for it, and drag the Alias to the Control Panels Folder.

Upgrading an InBox Mail Server Message Center from System 6 to System 7.0

* No special procedures are required. The InBox Server INIT will be moved to the Control Panels Folder.

Upgrading an InBox File Server Message Center from System 6 to System 7.0

* No special procedures are required.

Installing an InBox Client on a Macintosh under System 7.0

* No special procedures are required. If you wish to access InBox from the Apple Menu, make sure you install InBox into the System Folder. Then drag the InBox application into the Apple Menu Items Folder. Do not install the InBox DA into the Apple Menu Items Folder. The InBox DA should not be used on System 7.0 machines.

Note: The InBox INIT must reside at the root level of the System Folder. It can be double-clicked on to access the Control Panel settings. If you wish to access it from the Control Panels Folder itself, you can make an Alias for it, and drag the Alias to the Control Panels Folder.

Installing an InBox Mail Server Message Center on a Macintosh under System 7.0

* After using the InBox Administrator to create a Mail Server Message Center on a machine running System 7.0, you must drag the InBox Server INIT from the root of the System Folder to the Control Panels Folder, in order to access the Server INIT from the Control Panel.

Installing an InBox File Server Message Center on a Macintosh under System 7.0

* Copy the InBox Administrator to the hard drive of the Message Center Macintosh launch it from there. Do not launch the Administrator from a floppy disk when creating a File Server Message Center under System 7.0.

Note: To Create a File Server Message Center over the network under System 7.0 (those wishing to create a File Server Message Center on an AppleShare Server might wish to do this), launch the InBox Administrator from an AppleShare Client Macintosh. When you attempt to open the remote volume in the Administrator, you will get the following message: "That name is already used by a folder." Click OK. The remote volume will still be selected in the list box. Click once inside the text box, enter the name of the Message Center, and click the SAVE button.

The System 7.0 Compatibility Checker: If you run the System 7.0 Compatibility Checker on an InBox Client, the InBox INIT will be placed in a folder called "May Not Work with System 7.0". If you run the System 7.0 Compatibility Checker on an InBox Mail Server Message Center, the InBox Server INIT will be placed in this folder as well.

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Published Date: Feb 18, 2012