AppleShare: Problems Using Chooser with Apple II Computers

I recently set up an AppleShare Network with Apple II and Macintosh
computers. All seemed well except for a small item on the Apple II side.

Using Aristotle, everything works fine except the Chooser.

When trying to use Chooser, the window opens to show the application just
short of finishing. The Chooser then stops with a message that it cannot load
or open:


How can I repair the above file without reinstalling the entire AppleShare

If you're using Apple IIGS computers, you don't need to use the Chooser
anymore. Select printers with the Control Panel.

If you're using Apple IIe computers, be sure you use the AppleShare Apple
II Setup Disk 2.1.1 or greater when setting up your server.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012