I'm about to purchase DAL for VTAM. Is the following information correct?

1) TCP/IP is not currently supported.

2) SNA support is available via Netway 2000, Avatar, and MacIrma, but not via SNA*ps.

3) There are no extra pieces needed on the IBM (in addition to DAL). I have experience with a few other products that require LU6.2. DAL for VTAM does not require LU6.2. DAL for VTAM doesn't run under CICS.
1) DAL 1.3 only supports MacTCP connection to IBM host systems running VM.

2) The following connections are available using the 3270 display station (LU2) communications protocols:

* MacDFT Coax/Twinax, TokenTalk NB Card, or Serial NB Card
* Netway 1000/2000
* MacMainFrame
* MacIrma

Additionally, with SNA*ps, you can define a connection using the APPC display station (LU6.2) communications protocol. Use this connection if your Macintosh connects to an IBM mainframe through a LocalTalk or Ethernet network which has access to a SNA*ps 1.0.1 gateway.

3) Correct. CICS 1.7 or later is optional, and is required only if you are using the CICS Passthru program to access the VTAM server.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012