System 6.0.7: Troubleshooting Font Loading Problems

I'm having a problem with the Font/DA Mover on several networked Macintosh
computers running System 6.0.7. Only one computer will load some
PostScript Fonts. Other machines either lock up or have systems errors.

Make sure that you are using at least version 3.8 of the utility. You mentioned
PostScript fonts, but Font/DA Mover only moves bit images. It is possible
that older bit fonts have a problem with the latest Font/DA Mover. These
fonts would be fonts that don't include the FOND Resource.

If that is the case, you should open the suitcase containing these fonts
and then save them to a new suitcase. This will create a FOND resource for
them. Then copy these fonts to the System file.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012