A/UX: Questions About "Alerts" (8/94)

1. How do A/UX alerts work? If I am using a Macintosh or hybrid application, when an alert appears, can I switch to another process and/or Mac application?

2. If the process has a fatal system error when running A/UX, do I have to restart the Macintosh or only the process itself? How about a system bomb when running a Mac Application?

1. You do have to deal with the alert in A/UX before switching to another process. This is the same as modal dialogs under the Macintosh operating system.

2. This is also similar to the Mac OS: it depends on "how fatal" the error is. Some errors, such as Out Of Memory conditions, only affect the active application. Other errors will trash significant portions of A/UX and freeze the system (this is what a Macintosh application will do if it bombs); others may disable the OS, but allow you to gracefully exit the other processes. There are really too many variables to predict exactly
what will happen.

Article Change History:
29 Aug 1994 - Reviewed.

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012