Page 5
Paragraph 4, the last line should read: However, only the first 9 digits are usually significant, and the tenth digit is rounded off.
Page 15
Line 90 should read: 90 DIM A(8): REM DIMENSION ARRAY WITH MAX. 9 ELEMENTS
Page 15
Line 180 should read: 180 IF A(I) <= A(I+1) THEN GOTO 240
Page 21
The line about mid-page that reads
C$ = RIGHT$(B$,3) + "-" + LEFT$(B$,4) + "-" + MID$(B$,6,7) should read
C$ = RIGHT$(B$,4) + "-" + LEFT$(B$,4) + "-" + MID$(B$,6,7)
Page 23
Line 180 should read: 180 I = I+1: IF I < 15 THEN GOTO 130
Page 51
If TAB(X) is the last item in a PRINT statement Applesoft will act as if there is a semi-colon after it.
Page 52
If SPC(X) is the last item in a PRINT statement Applesoft will act as if there is a semi-colon after it.
Page 53
FRE returns the amount of memory ... Applesoft sometimes stores duplicate strings separately.
Page 53
PRINT FRE (0) sometimes returns a negative number because of the way integers are handled in Applesoft. Adding 65536 to the negative number will give the positive representation.
Page 63
Rule 2 should read "The total number of elements RECALLed must be at least equal to" instead of "...equal th".
Page 66
Similarly, a response... If an ASCII NUL character, CTRL-SHIFT-P, is included in a line of input, the input will be truncated at the character before the NUL. A NUL as the first character in response to INPUT A$ will result in a null string. A NUL as the first character in response to INPUT A will result in ?REENTER.
Page 66-67
A line of input longer than 255 characters will be cancelled by the monitor and the user is left in the input statement. A line greater than 239 but less than 255 will be truncated to 239 characters.
Page 81
ONERR GOTO, "When an error occurs..." should read "After executing an ONERR GOTO command, when an error occurs...".
Page 96
Paragraph 1, line 6, the sentence that starts "Press the RESET key..." should read "Type CALL -151" because Apple IIs with the Auto-Start ROM will not go into the monitor when the RESET key is pressed.
Page 102
The function for LOG of X base 10 is LOG (X) / LOG (10).
Page 118
"1) Use multiple statements" states that the maximum line number is 65529 when the actual maximum line number is 63999.
Page 131
Second paragraph, line 7, replace "POKE 22,W" with "POKE 33,W".
Page 135
Replace the top part with:
260 POKE -16296,0
Clear game control "annunicator" output #0 (Game I/O connector, pin 15) to TTL low (0.3 volts). This is the "off" condition: maximum current 8 milliamperes.
270 POKE -16295,0
Set game control "annunicator" output #0 (Game I/O connector, pin 15) to TTL high (3.5 volts). This is the "on" condition: maximum current 0.4 milliamperes.
280 POKE -16294,0
Clear game control "annunicator" output #1 (Game I/O connector, pin 14) to TTL low (0.3 volts). This is the "off" condition: maximum current 8 milliamperes.
290 POKE -16293,0
Set game control "annunicator" output #1 (Game I/O connector, pin 14) to TTL high (3.5 volts). This is the "on" condition: maximum current 0.4 milliamperes.
300 POKE -16292,0
Clear game control "annunicator" output #2 (Game I/O connector, pin 13) to TTL low (0.3 volts). This is the "off" condition: maximum current 8 milliamperes.
310 POKE -16291,0
Set game control "annunicator" output #2 (Game I/O connector, pin 13) to TTL high (3.5 volts). This is the "on" condition: maximum current 0.4 milliamperes.
320 POKE -16290,0
Clear game control "annunicator" output #3 (Game I/O connector, pin 12) to TTL low (0.3 volts). This is the "off" condition: maximum current 8 milliamperes.
330 POKE -16289,0
Set game control "annunicator" output #3 (Game I/O connector, pin 12) to TTL high (3.5 volts). This is the "on" condition: maximum current 0.4 milliamperes.
Page 137
The table for string pointers is incorrect.
|..NAME.....(pos).....1st byte....|
|................(neg).....2nd byte....|
|.length.......................1 byte...|
|.address..................low byte...|
|.address.................high byte...|
|..NAME.....(pos)......1st byte....|
|.................(neg)......2nd byte....|