Apple II: Mouse Memory Locations

What are the memory addresses for mouse information on the Apple IIe and
Apple IIGS?

Apple IIe/IIc
With the mouse card in slot four of the Apple IIe, locations are stored as

- low byte x $047C

- high byte x $057C

- low byte y $04FC

- high byte y $05FC

(This is different if the card is in a slot other than slot four.)

More data on Apple IIe and IIc applications is on pages 196 through 198 and
page 363 of the "Apple IIc Technical Reference Manual" from Addison-Wesley.

Apple IIGS
Information on the Apple IIGS locations is on pages 200 through 205 of the
"Apple IIGS Firmware Reference" from Addison-Wesley.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012