MacTCP: System 7 Compatibility Problems and Workaround

Is there a System 7-compatible version of MacTCP?

Since I've upgraded, I've lost my Ethernet connectivity and have to log on
to the mainframe via Microphone II, which is very slow in a terminal
emulating mode. I've also lost my FTP capabilities.

Although currently (August, 1991) MacTCP is not fully compatible with
System 7, you actually can use MacTCP -- if you put it in the right place.

Take MacTCP out of your Extension folder and put it into the System folder
itself. Since you are making your connection via LocalTalk, and since you
cannot be running VM, you should be able to make a connection.

This is a workaround, but it should give you the same functionality you
used to have until full compatibility with System 7 is available.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012