The FOND resource is what makes it possible to have different styles of one font family show as one item in a font menu. The possible styles include plain and any combination of the following: bold, italic, underline, outline, shadow, condensed, and extended. Typically, the font styles you see are plain, bold, italic, and bold-italic. Sometimes you see a condensed font. This mechanism is not intended to combine AvantGard-Demi and AvanteGard- DemiOblique under the same font menu item.
Modifying a FOND resource to support more font styles is not something we recommend, as it is rather tricky. However, if you want to try, please read Macintosh Technical Note #198 and Inside Macintosh Volume IV, chapter 5, specifically page IV-39. These documents provide the information you need to attempt this.
We contacted Fifth Generation Systems, Inc., who told us their Font Harmony product does not currently support TrueType fonts.
The following Tech Info Library article can help you find the Tech Note mentioned here:
Article 24493: "
Apple Tech Notes: What They Are, Where To Find Them"