If everything else on your system seems to be working, something is probably wrong with your Chooser desk accessory. (This can also happen to desk accessories like the System 6.0.x Find File, and so on.) The information about the LaserWriter coming in over the network doesn't have font information. If your other modeless dialog boxes are working, then the problem must be with the information compiled and generated by the Chooser.
There are several repair options here, depending on exactly where the
problem is:
*╩Reinstall Chooser (with Font/DA Mover if your System is earlier than
System 7).
* Reload all System fonts from original disks.
* Reinstall the System file with Installer.
* Zapping the PRAM (under System 6.0.x or 7.x) doesn't usually work.
* Reinstalling the system software (6.0.x or 7.x) doesn't always work.
* Run the shareware control panel ApFont to reset your system file default
font (normally Geneva 12) This usually fixes the problem.
* Delete the entire System folder, then reinstall with Installer.
The last option is the most drastic, but also has the greatest probability of fixing the problem the first time.
You can obtain ApFont from AppleLink.
These articles can help you locate software updates mentioned here:
* Where To Find Apple Software Updates
Lists online services for "free" Apple software updates
* Obtaining Apple Product Support in the USA
Lists 800 numbers and online services for software updates, Apple
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Article Change History:
15 Sep 1994 - Removed binary file.
08 Jul 1993 - RETITLED and REVISED
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