Macintosh IIfx: Two Internal Hard Drives Not Supported

I have a Macintosh IIfx with two internal 3.5 SCSI drives. The drives are
daisy-chained, with the last drive having a terminator and the first one
without. I also have an external SyQuest drive with internal termination
and a short cable.

I'm concerned that somehow this setup will not work with the Macintosh
IIfx and its different bus impedance.

It looks to me like:

1) I need to remove internal termination of SyQuest and use a Terminator

2) I need to keep the internal drives the same but add a noise filter,
probably at end of internal daisy chain on drive which has termination.

Am I right?

Your configuration is not an Apple-supported solution. We advise removing
the second internal hard drive, particularly with the Macintosh IIfx and
its exact termination requirements.

You have the right idea about what it takes to make this work. The
termination needs to be augmented with a SCSI Filter on the last internal
hard drive and a Terminator II installed on the last external device (and
no internal termination).

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012