Apple Modem: Using one from within an Applesoft BASIC program

If you wish to use an Apple Modem from within an Applesoft BASIC program,
you must write your own software to do so; you must be prepared to read
each character you send, though, since the Apple Modem echoes each character
sent through it.

Following is an example routine for dialing a number. NOTE: this routine
is only meant to illustrate how to read each character after sending it.
The routine does dial a number, but this routine cannot stand alone: notice
how it ends without completely flushing the input from the modem.

10 D$ = CHR$(4)
20 S$ = "AT D123-4567"
30 PRINT D$;"PR#2"
40 PRINT D$;"IN#2"
50 FOR I = 1 TO LEN(S$)
60 PRINT MID$(S$,I,1);
70 GET X$
100 PRINT D$;"PR#0"
110 PRINT D$;"IN#0"

WARNING: When trying to access the modem from the program, if you use
PRINT CHR$(4);"PR#2" and/or PRINT CHR$(4);"IN#2", followed by CTRL-A T, the
computer hangs and BASIC program control is lost. That's because once you send
a CTRL-A T, the firmware takes over and is in control until you type CTRL-A Q.

To send AT commands to the modem, send only the "PR#2"; then, using a PRINT
statement, you may send whatever you wish. For example:

10 D$ = CHR$ (4)
20 PRINT D$; "PR#2"
30 PRINT "ATDT1231234"
40 END

will dial 123-1234. You could also replace line 40 with

40 PRINT D$; "IN#2" and add,
50 PRINT CHR$ (1); "T"

and you'd be in terminal mode.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012