Aristotle: Display and Management Programs Quit Differently

We have Macintosh LC computers with Apple IIe cards installed and Apple IIe
software version 2.0 in our lab. When teachers log on to the Macintosh LC
and start the Apple IIe over the network, they connect to the server
through the Aristotle menu system. Everything works fine, except they
can't quit the teacher management menu. We get a screen with /ram2/ at the
top and three options at the bottom. Why doesn't it go back to the
Aristotle log-on screen?

The screen displaying the /ram2/ indicates the Aristotle menu
management application successfully quit. The /ram2/ screen is a menu
system from ProDOS 8 version 1.9. The three options at the bottom of
the screen provide the method of navigation through the menu system.

The current ProDOS volume name is /ram2/. To change to a different volume
(that is, probably the AppleShare file server volume), press the Tab key.
This displays all applications and folders (subdirectories) on the volume.
(The "/ram2/" volume shows no applications or folders.) The up and down
arrow keys allow you to move to an application or folder. The Return key
launches an application, or opens a folder. The ESCape key closes the
current folder and moves into the next higher folder.

Previous versions of ProDOS 8 left the user with the "ENTER PREFIX (PRESS
"RETURN" TO ACCEPT)" message with the current prefix as the default. After
entering the prefix, you need to enter the name of the application. The
menu system of ProDOS 8 version 1.9 provides a more useful interface.

The two Aristotle applications, Display and Management, behave differently
when the user exits: the Display program returns the user to the launching
application, but Management returns the user to the ProDOS quit location.
This is true both for an Apple IIe computer and for a Macintosh LC with
Apple IIe Card.

Here are two ways to run Aristotle:

- First, you can run the Management program immediately. To accomplish
this, go to the server's Administration program. Select the teacher and
set the startup application to Aristotle's Management program. This
option returns the teacher to the ProDOS 8 v1.9 menu (the /ram2/ screen).

LOGOFF from the Apple IIe Workstation Card disk provides a graceful sign
off from the server. When you use LOGOFF, the log-on list of servers is
not in alphabetical order. Open Apple-Control-Reset (Command-Control-
Reset) works as well. This is not so graceful, but causes no damage.

- The second variation uses the Management program to set up a "class" of
teachers who can run the Management program from the Display program.
For example, when teachers log on to the server, their startup program
is Aristotle's Display. From within Display's menu, teachers can select
Management. This option returns to the Aristotle Display program.
You need to quit the Display program to log off the file server.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012