Unfortunately, it doesn't get much easier. The following steps will
minimize the confusion:
1) Format the hard drive (if it's not already formatted).
2) Install system software 6.0.8 (if not already installed).
3) Remove the print drivers from the System Folder (in System 6.0.8, they
are actually the System 7 print drivers).
4) Install the AppleShare Print Server using Network Products Installer
5) Drag over the LaserPrep version 7.0 file from the 6.0.8 disks.
There is no need to reinstall the print drivers on the Print Server. They
aren't used. However, it is VERY important to put the LaserPrep file in
the folder with the Print Server's System file.
Note that upgrading to AppleShare 3.0 will eliminate much of this confusion
and the steps required to get the print server running successfully with
System 7 drivers.