SQL Client/Server Products for Both Macintosh and PS/2

Can you provide a list of SQL client/server-based products that work with
PS/2, and also have compatible versions for the Macintosh?

Here is a partial list of SQL Client/Server based products:

- Omnis 5 (Blyth Software) for both Macintosh and Windows environments

- The three DAL query tools, now available for Windows:
* ClearAccess (Clear Access Corp. <formerly Fairfield Software, Inc.>)
* DataPrism (Brio Technology)
* GQL (Andyne Computing)

- Oracle products

On AppleLink, you can find contact information for the various vendors by
clicking the Library Index button to view the folder structure in the Tech
Info Library. An alphabetic listing of vendors is in the Third Party
Company Directory folder.

Article Change History:
23 July 1993 - Company title changed from Fairfield Software, Inc. to Clear
Access Corp.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012