Applesoft Tutorial: Errata

The following manual corrections are for the Applesoft Tutorial manual.
Page 6
References to the RESET key need to refer to CTRL-RESET for newer Apples.

Page 17
"STOPPING THE COMPUTER"; Pressing RETURN after a CTRL-C may be required if the Apple is waiting for input from the keyboard.

Page 23-24
There are only five different elementary arithmetic operations. They are:
+ Addition
* Multiplication
- Subtraction
/ Division
^ Exponentiation

Page 37
GAMEPOINTS = 45 won't work because it contains the key word, INT. It will be parsed as GAMEPO INT S and it will return a SYNTAX ERROR. GAMEPTS = 45 should be OK.

Page 38
The line before the last listing should say "Try the statements below in order:" instead of "Try the statements on the next page in order:"

Page 59
Line 230 at the bottom of the page should read: 230 IF N < = 10 THEN GOTO 210

Page 63
Line 270 should read: 270 X = X / 7

Page 65
Line 3220 should read: 3020 COLOR = N

Page 69
The last line on the page reads:
It is difficult to tell this because the space after STRIKES;" comes at the end of the line of listing.

Page 71
Lines 650 and 660 are reversed. They should read:
650 NEXT Y
660 NEXT X

Page 79
The two example line 780s are incorrect. The word "BACKGROUND" will be parsed as "BACK GR OUND" because GR is a key word and because there is already a variable BALL which would share the same Applesoft variable name, BA. Try using "FIELD" instead.

Page 81
Paragraph 3, "One possible solution is given on the next page," should read "One possible solution is given below,"

Page 85
Line 220 has an extra ")". It should read: 220 COLOR= INT (16 * RND(1))

Page 95
The program will give incorrect values for the Y variable unless a time delay is installed. Add this line: 1005 FOR J = 1 TO 10: NEXT J

Page 96
Line 360 should read: 360 FOR S = 0 TO 1: REM 2 LINES, FROM Y AND Y + 1

Page 105
Replace line 120 with: 120 WHOLE$ = HALF$ + " " + OTHERHALF$

Page 108
According to page 99 and iii, the title on this page should read "INTRODUCING ARRAYS: DIM".

Page 109
The last sentence in the last paragraph should read "The program below accomplishes this."

Page 109
Line 340 should read:

Page 110
Starting in the middle of the 9th line, the text should read; "Then line 320 makes sure that the value of WINE is not equal to the value of MILK at any given time. The contents of variables GLASS(WINE) and GLASS(MILK) are switched in line 340. Finally the array is printed with lines 370 through 390."

Page 130
Clear the entire screen should be press <ESC> then <SHIFT> and <P@> instead of <CTRL> and <P@>.

Page 148-149
The green keys should have slashed zeros to differentiate them from capital O.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012