StyleWriter: Printing from Apple IIe Card

Does the Apple IIe Card software version 2.0 support printing to the

The Apple IIe Card version 2.0 allows printing via print drivers installed in
the Macintosh LC computer System Folder. If the StyleWriter driver (or other
driver) is in the Macintosh LC System Folder, the Apple IIe Card can print to
the StyleWriter (or other printer).

Follow these steps:

1) In the Apple IIe Option Panel, place the Printer Card icon in the
appropriate slot using the Slots icon in the scrolling icon area. By
convention, this is slot 1.

2) In the scroll icon area, choose the Print Card icon. This displays
the currently selected printer.

3) A note in the dialog area indicates that you can select alternate
printers via the Chooser desk accessory. Select a printer in the
standard Macintosh Chooser.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012