You can share an entire volume, or selected folders. You can mount a maximum of 50 volumes on the AppleShare server, and share a maximum of 50 entities (volumes or folders).
When a remote user creates a new folder, the folder inherits the access privileges of the surrounding folder or volume unless the owner explicitly changes access. Access privileges used to default to owner only.
When the administrator creates a folder in an area that isn't shared or exported, the folder takes on the access privileges of the surrounding folder when dragged to a shared area. When the administrator moves this folder from the shared area to a new folder, the moved folder takes on the privileges of the new enclosing folder. Folders have this property of dynamic access privileges until the administrator assigns explicit privileges to the folder.
You can interchange Users and Groups so that a User who is not in a Group can share an entity along with the Group, and more than one User can own the same folder. A User can belong to 42 groups (up from 16). You can create over 8000 Users or Groups, but the recommended maximum is 2000.
Here are definitions for explicit and inherit access privileges:
Explicit - Retain access privileges regardless of the enclosing folder.
Inherit - Always change to reflect access privileges of enclosing folder.
The default on an AppleShare Server is explicit.