System 7: Use AppleShare 2.0.2 With System Software 6.0.7
Article Change History
09/15/92 - REVIEWED
* For technical accuracy.
I have a Macintosh IIsi with system software version 7.0 installed, and I
have a Macintosh SE/30 with system software version 6.0.7 and AppleShare
workstation version 7.0 installed.
When I try to access the Macintosh IIsi from the Macintosh SE/30, I get the
message, "Disk needs minor repairs. Do you want to repair it?" If I click
the "Yes" button, the message just reappears.
To correct the problem, remove the System 7 AppleShare extension from the
Macintosh SE/30 running system software version 6.0.7, and replace it with
AppleShare 2.0.2 workstation software from your 6.0.7 System disk.