AppleShare IP 6.3: Troubleshooting Stability Issues

This article offers a list of troubleshooting steps for an AppleShare IP 6.3 or later server that stops responding ("freezes").

The operation of the AppleShare IP 6.3 server is unstable and sometimes stops responding ("freezes").


This issue may be resolved by installing the AppleShare IP 9.0.4 Update, available from Apple Software Downloads ( Alternatively, you may install AppleShare IP 6.3.3. Both contain the same software to address the issue. If this does not help, try the following:

Update Software

First, make sure the server (and the clients) have the appropriate system software. See technical document 16145: "AppleShare: Platforms and Mac OS Releases Supported"

Use the table below to check that the following updates are installed:
Power Macintosh (Blue and White)
Macintosh Server G3 (Blue and White)
Ultra2 SCSI Card Firmware Update 1.2
iMac (Slot Loading)
since early November 1999 and before Summer 2000
Ethernet Update 1.0
Power Mac G4,
since late November 1999 and before Summer 2000
Ethernet Update 1.0

Note: You should install the Ethernet Update 2.0 on all computers using Mac OS 9.0 to 9.1. It also works with Mac OS 8.6.

If the Macintosh Management Server extension is installed, make sure that the latest version is installed and that you are using the latest version of the Macintosh Manager client software, as shown in the table below.
Macintosh Management Server for AppleShare IP
Macintosh Management Server for Mac OS X Server

Verify and Repair Server Volumes

Use Disk First Aid to verify and repair all server volumes.

Verify Cache Allocation

Verify that the AppleShare IP Cache allocation ("Maximum Server Memory") is set correctly. See technical document 106647: "AppleShare IP 6.3.3: How to Verify Cache Allocation"

Reconstruct Users & Groups Data File and the AppleShare PDS File(s)

Use the AppleShare IP First Aid utility to reconstruct the Users & Groups Data File and the AppleShare PDS file(s).

ASIP Thread Manager with Mac OS 9.0

If the server is running ASIP 6.3 and Mac OS 9.0, install the ASIP Thread Manager. This extension is not necessary for Mac OS 9.0.4 and 9.1 because its functionality was included in the Mac OS 9.0.4 system software update.

Sherlock Indexing

Turn off Sherlock Scheduled Indexing of all volumes on the server.

SNMP Extensions

Be sure the SNMP extensions are not installed on the server.

OT AutoPush Support Extension

Turn off the "OT AutoPush Support" extension.

Note: Doing this disables TCP filtering.

Retrospect Settings

If you are running Retrospect 4.0 or later, turn off 'System Heap Use' in Retrospect Preferences by following these steps:

SCSI Connections

Check all SCSI connections for proper cabling, termination, configuration, and updates. If the difficulties still persist, remove non-Apple peripherals such as SCSI tape drives, SCSI PCI cards, USB CD-ROM burners, and so on.

Extensions Manager

Follow these steps to turn on a set of standard extensions with which to operate the server:

Restart the computer and test again for the issue.

Information about products not manufactured by Apple is provided for information purposes only, and does not constitute Apple's recommendation or endorsement. Please contact the vendor for additional information.
The following document can help you search for a particular vendor's address and phone number:
document 17159: "Locating Vendor Information"
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012