MacTCP 1.x: System Requirements and Product Details

This article gives the system requirements for using MacTCP, and details about what MacTCP offers.
System Requirements

LocalTalk-compatible systems

Ethernet-compatible systems

Product Details
MacTCP consists of object code libraries and associated files for both C and assembly-language development. Libraries include TCP and UDP interfaces along with a name-to-address resolver. A programmer's reference guide and an administrator's guide are provided.

The MacTCP driver allows for the addition of other data link layers through the use of a link layer interface between the IP layer and the data link layer of MacTCP. Examples of these data link layers include Token Ring (IEEE 802.5), Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) -- RFC 1055, and Point- to-Point Protocol (PPP) -- RFCs 1171 and 1172. The link layer interface is described in the reference document Building Alternate Link Access Protocol Modules for MacTCP, available to Apple Partners and Apple Associates through the Developer CD Series.

MacTCP implements the following protocols:

IP (RFCs 791,894;MIL-STD 1777)
UDP (RFC 768)
TCP (RFC 793, MIL-STD 1778)
ARP (RFC 826)
RARP (RFC 903)
ICMP (RFC 792)
BootP (RFCs 951, 1048)
DNS (RFCs 1034, 1035)
Internet Subnetting (RFC 950)
Internet Assigned Numbers (RFC 1010)

MacTCP complies with Requirements for Internet Hosts-Communication Layers (RFC 1122)

Throughput is 3.0 megabits per second memory-to-memory (on a Macintosh II-family computer over Ethernet).
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012