Macintosh LC: Print, Copy, or Save Apple IIe Card Screen

How can I dump the screen of the Macintosh LC to an ImageWriter connected to
the Modem Port while using the Apple IIe Card in Apple IIe mode? Cmd-Shift-4
reportedly doesn't work as it does under the Macintosh operating system.

Screen Dump to Printer
The following procedure works with version 2.0 of the Apple IIe Card

1) After launching the Apple IIe Startup application, open the Apple IIe
Option Panel with Open Apple-Control-Escape (or Command-Control-
Escape, for Macintosh users).

From the File menu, three options associated with the Apple IIe screen
are available:

* Show Apple IIe Screen
* Save Apple IIe Screen╔
* Print Apple IIe Screen╔

From the Edit menu there is one option that is associated with the Apple
IIe screen:

* Copy Apple IIe Screen

2) In the Apple IIe Option Panel, select the Slots icon in the left side
scrolling window. Place the Printer Card icon in an appropriate slot
(generally Slot 1).

NOTE: The icon labeled Serial Card with a plain printer icon is not the
correct icon. The correct icon is labeled Printer Card. This icon has
more printer detail.

3) Select the Printer Card icon in the left side scrolling window of the
Option Panel. Then select the Chooser from the Apple menu. Choose the
ImageWriter icon and select the Modem icon for the printer port. Close
the Chooser.

4) To confirm the desired display of the Apple IIe screen, select the Show
Apple IIe Screen item from the File menu. A reduced view of the Apple
IIe screen displays in a Macintosh window. If the Apple IIe screen is
40 columns wide, the reduced view is readable. If the screen is 80
columns wide, the view is abstracted.

5) To print the Apple IIe screen, select the File menu item "Print Apple
IIe Screen╔." This brings up the Macintosh ImageWriter dialog. Click
OK to print the Apple IIe screen to the ImageWriter.

Save Screen to Disk or Clipboard
In a similar manner, you can save the Apple IIe screen to a MacPaint file by
selecting "Save II Screen╔" from the File menu. Or you can copy the Apple IIe
screen to the Macintosh Clipboard by selecting "Copy Apple IIe Screen" from the
Edit menu.

Pressing Command-Shift-3 also saves the current screen to disk as a PICT file.
Once you've saved the file, you can open MacPaint or any other paint program to
print the PICT file.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012