The cut, copy, and paste functions of Ofoto 1 versions weren't optimized for working with other applications. For example, if you scanned a 4 x 5 inch, 300dpi gray scale image, and selected and copied it while in Ofoto, it was difficult to exit Ofoto and enter another application to paste the image. You would frequently see the error "Not enough memory to export this Clipboard" with Ofoto 1 versions. This operation required large amounts of RAM and disk space.
Ofoto 2 completely redesigned the cut, copy, and paste code. It is now possible to copy large, full color (as well as gray scale) images in Ofoto and move to another program to paste them in. It no longer requires large amounts of RAM and disk space.
On a related issue, the 2048K suggested partition size for Ofoto is a good beginning. However, a larger partition improves performance for all functions of Ofoto, not just for copy and paste.