DAL Server for VAX/VMS: Details and System Requirements

This article gives the product details, language specifications, and system requirement for using Data Access Language (DAL) Server for VAX/VMS.
Product Details
- Database Support
- Informix version 2.1 (or later)
- Ingres version 6.1 (or later)
- Oracle version 5.1.22 (or later)
- Oracle version 6.0
- Rdb/SQL version 3.1 (or later)
- Sybase SQL Server version 3.0 (or later)

- Client Support
Uniform support for any application developed with DAL Developer's Toolkit for the Macintosh using a supported network

- Network Support
- Asynchronous direct and dial-up connections
- Support for the AppleTalk network system (requires AppleTalk for VMS version 2.0.6 or later for Phase I and version 2.1 for Phase II), which is supplied with DAL Server for VAX/VMS.

- Asynchronous Communications
- Transmission speed: 300 to 19,200 baud
- Character length: 7 or 8 data bits; 1 or 2 stop bits
- Parity: odd, even, or none
- Handshake
- XON/XOFF and none
- Modem and direct connections
- Log-on sequence specification
- Protocol
- Error-correcting (16-bit CRC)
- Data compression
- Binary data transparency

- Resource Usage
- 1MB of disk storage
- Proper usage verified by test program
- One sharable, reentrant 200K-300K process shared by all attached
Macintosh applications

Language Specifications
DAL is a complete language for describing connectivity tasks. DAL consists of these statement groups:

- Host Connection Statements
These establish and terminate a connection to a host system in the
network, providing concurrent access to multiple hosts running DAL

- Data Manipulation Statements
These offer complete ANSI standard level 1, SQL-based data access to host databases.

- Program Structure Statements
These support testing, looping, and procedure calls within a DAL program.

- Output Statements
These generate output messages from the DAL program. The Client application processes these messages.

System Requirements
To use the DAL Server for VAX/VMS, you need the following:

- Host environment: VAX/VMS version 5.1 (or later)

- Macintosh computer clients running DAL-compatible applications

- One or more of the supported database management systems

- The appropriate networking hardware and software
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012