Macintosh Pascal 1.0: Putting comments into the code

Multi-line comments with a single pair of brackets are not allowed in
Macintosh Pascal; instead, you must frame each line of the comment with
its own set of brackets.

To work around the problem of using large blocks of comments within
MacPascal, break up large blocks of comments with a valid Pascal statement.
A declaration, begin or end statement, etc. will do the job, and the program
can then be loaded normally. You might also try severely limiting the number
of consecutive comments on lines by themselves.

There are no plans to change this situation, documented in the new version
of the MacPascal Technical Reference manual.

The problem is easily duplicated by creating a Pascal "program" that
contains nothing but comments. The key is the number of characters contained
in the comments: 20 lines of about 70 characters per line should be
sufficient. As long as comments reside on lines following an actual Pascal
statement, the problem goes away. But this is not really practical or
practiced. This will be submitted to Software Testing for further evalution.

To create a Macintosh Pascal listing with any amount of comment information,
cut and paste your code to another document; you can then add documentation
to this listing as you please.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012