A/UX: Troubleshooting Launch Difficulties (8/94)

1) Every time I launch A/UX, I get a message saying "atstatus lw not

2) The first page of file "syschck.rpt" prints every time I launch A/UX.

1) You need to log in to A/UX and select the LaserWriter from the Chooser.
From the CommandShell, execute the command "at_cho_prn" to select the

2) The file "syschck.rpt" is sitting in the print queue and prints every
time you launch A/UX. Delete the file to successfully launch A/UX.

Article Change History:
19 Aug 1994 - Updated title and removed reference to A/UX 2.0.1

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012