You need Data Access Language Server for MVS/TSO or the server for MVS/V TAM. These products provide support for DAL-based applications using data residing in the IBM DB-2 or Teradata DBC/1012 databases. They work with existing DB-2 databases, operating under standard MVS and database security.
DAL Server for MVS/TSO v1.3 supports MVS/XA release 2.2 or greater, DB-2 release 1.3 or greater, and Teradata DBC/1012, v4.1 or later. It also supports access via Apple's MacDFT along with Apple's Coax/Twinax, TokenTalk NB, or Serial NB cards. You can use TriData's Netway 1000 or 2000, Avatar's MacMainFrame, and DCA's MacIrma hardware and software products in place of Apple's 3270 products listed above. It also supports a synchronous connection via protocol converters.
The DAL Servers for MVS/TSO and MVS/V TAM are available through APDA.
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