When an A/UX system is configured to be a Yellow Pages client, it tries to connect to a Yellow Pages server during the boot process. If it cannot find a server, it displays the message yp: server not responding and the system waits until one becomes available.
One way to disable Yellow Pages is from the startup shell, by typing:
mv /etc/ypbind /etc/ypbind.hold
Then continue to boot normally. Once you have booted, we suggest that you turn off Yellow Pages in /etc/inittab and move the file back to the original location. To turn off Yellow Pages, find the line that executes ypbind and set it to off.
Another way is to edit the file /etc/inittab, using the ed editor from the A/UX Startup application.
Here is the process:
1) Launch A/UX Startup and click Cancel as it begins to launch A/UX.
2) At the startup# prompt, type: ed /etc/inittab
3) Use standard ed editing commands to change the line:
. nfs2:2:wait:/etc/ypbind
- to -
. nfs2:2:off:/etc/ypbind
NOTE: For help with the ed editor, read the manual, "A/UX Text Editing Tools."
This article was published in the "Information Alley": Volume I, Issue 25, Page 8