Disk Copy 4.2: How to Install and Use (2/97)

Article Last Reviewed: 12 February 1997

Disk Copy 4.2 is a utility program that transfers image files onto 3.5-inch floppy disks, whether 800K or High Density. (A High Density, also called FDHD, disk holds 1.44MB.)

Increasing Memory Allocation (for High Density images)
If you are reading High Density images, follow these steps to increase the memory allocation for Apple Disk Copy to 1600K:

Step 1:
Select the Apple Disk Copy 4.2 icon.

Step 2:
From the File menu, choose Get Info (or press Command-i).

Step 3:
In the Current Size box, type 1600.

Step 4:
Close the Get Info window.

Step 5:
Launch Apple Disk Copy 4.2 and proceed with Step 3 in the following section, "Apple Disk Copy 4.2: Installation and Use".

Apple Disk Copy 4.2: Installation and Use
To install and use Apple Disk Copy 4.2, follow these steps:

Step 1:
Copy the Disk Copy 4.2 folder to your hard drive.

Step 2:
Open the Disk Copy 4.2 folder and double-click the Disk Copy icon.

Step 3:
The title screen appears; click the mouse to continue.

Step 4:
The main screen appears; click the Load Image File... button. (You can also select Load Disk Image from the File menu or press Comand-L.)

Step 5:
Choose the image file you want to copy to floppy disk.

Step 6:
Click the Open button. A message appears: "Reading the master disk image into memory..." After the image is loaded into memory, the Make A Copy button is highlighted.

Step 7:
Click the Make a Copy button and a prompt appears: "Please insert a disk to COPY ONTO..."

Step 8:
Insert a floppy disk (formatted or unformatted) into the main floppy drive. This message appears: "Now copying and verifying a disk..."

If there is already data on the disk, a beep sounds and a dialog box appears. If it is okay to write over the disk, click the Duplicate button. Otherwise, click the Eject button. If you eject the disk, the main screen reappears. Click the Make A Copy button again and insert a different disk.

When the image file has been transferred to the floppy disk, the disk automatically ejects.

Step 9:
For each image file you want to put on floppy disk, repeat steps 4-8. When you are finished, click the Quit button. (You can also select Quit from the File menu or press Command-Q.)

Hints and Help
To launch Apple Disk Copy 4.2 and load the image file into memory at the same time, double-click the image file icon.

If you want to learn more, read the "Disk Image Directions" document in the Apple Disk Copy 4.2 folder.

Other Disk Copy Features
--Making copies directly from a floppy disk. To copy the contents of a master disk onto one or more other disks, take the following steps:

1) Choose Single Copy or Multiple Copies from the File menu.

2) Insert a master floppy disk to copy from into the floppy disk drive.

3) Click Read Master Floppy to read the contents of the master disk.

4) When the image file is loaded, click Make A Copy to start copying. (If you are making multiple copies, this button is labeled Make Some Copies.)

5) Insert a blank disk in the floppy disk drive to receive the newly created disk contents. When the wristwatch pointer changes back to the arrow pointer, disk creation is complete. If you are making multiple copies, insert each blank disk in turn.

--Creating an image file for later use
You can store an image file on your hard disk and use it to create duplicate floppy disks. Follow these steps to put an image file of a floppy disk on your hard disk:

1) Insert the floppy disk that you want to duplicate into the floppy disk drive.

2) Click Read Master Floppy.

3) After the contents of the floppy disk have been read, choose Save Disk Image from the File menu.

4) In the window provided, give the image file a name, and click Save.

Article Change History:
12 Feb 1997 - Retitled to add version number, added content from a similiar article.
10 Feb 1995 - Added keyword; modified title; made several technical updates.
27 Oct 1994 - Changed title and updated format.

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Published Date: Feb 18, 2012