AppleShare 3.0: Can‘t Log On to the Same Server Multiple Times

I would like to log on to a single AppleShare server, signing on with user name and password to a user's private data volume, but have them log on as "Guest" to a general application volume. The employees here move around to different Macintosh computers frequently, and would like to have a consistent method of accessing information. They have to get to their own "home folders" where ever they are over the internet, but would like to always access an application's volume from the closest local server. Having Guest access available on this computer considerably reduces administration overhead. However, if a user connects to the local server as Guest for an application volume, and their personal "home folder" is on that same server, they can't log on with a different user ID.

Is there any way around this?
It isn't possible to mount different volumes of a single server with a different user ID and password using AppleShare 3.0. This is a difficult approach using AppleShare 3.0, since it's possible for a physical volume to have multiple mounting points for users, and folders can be share points.

We suggest that users mount their "home folder" first. Then if they need access to a Guest folder on the same server they can easily add it to the existing mounted volume without logging off.

Another possibility is to make each "home folder" user owned. The other folders should have Guest access. When a person logs on as a registered user, they'll also have access to Guest folders.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012