AppleShare 3.0: Maximum of 346 Open File Control Blocks
AppleShare 2.0.1 limits the maximum number of opened File Control Blocks (FCBs) to 160. This is a problem with some multiuser databases (such as FoxBASE). They open a file for every related database for each user accessing the database from the file server. To allow the maximum number of FCBs, the server had to have a 68O20 or a 68030 processor and have 8MB of RAM.
Does AppleShare 3.0 increase the maximum number of FCBs allowed on the file
server? What is the new maximum number of FCBs? Do the same answers apply to File Sharing?
AppleShare 3.0's limit is the limit on the number of simultaneous open files under HFS. This is 346 files for both AppleShare and File Sharing.