Apple Keyboard II: How It Differs from Previous Apple Keyboard

The Apple Keyboard II (M0487LL/A) replaces the stand-alone Apple Keyboard
(M0116). This article describes the differences between them.

The Apple Keyboard II, which has been shipping with the Macintosh Classic
and Macintosh LC, is fully ANSI and ISO compliant.

New Key Layout
Several keys were relocated. The caps lock and control key exchanged
places. The tilde key is now where the escape key was. The vertical line
key was moved to a new location above the new return key, and the escape
key took the vertical line's old spot. The return key was made smaller,
and the space bar was enlarged.

The international ISO version has a new key with ▒ and ñ characters and the
escape key replaced the right-hand side command key. The space bar was

Both keyboard's numeric keypads have the + and - keys reversed. It is the
same as the extended keyboard. In addition, this is the same arrangement
as a 10-key adding machine.

With the exception of the arrow and escape keys, Apple Keyboard II has a
layout which is identical to the comparable parts of the Apple Extended
Keyboard II.

Tilt Legs
At the ends on the back, the keyboard has two legs the user can extend to
provide a greater tilt.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012