Direct-To-1: Translation Between All-in-1 and MacWrite

We're running a VAX-based server with PCs and terminals, and plan to add Macintosh clients. We communicate worldwide over a VAX network using All-in-1 mail and word processors. We're considering PATHWORKS for Macintosh to turn the VAX into a server for the Macintosh.

One of our major requirements is to download All-in-1 documents to use in a Macintosh word processor such as MacWrite. After some tailoring with MacWrite, we need to load the document back to the VAX as an All-in-1 document.

I understand MacLink Plus/Translators from Dataviz contain a translator called WPS-Plus VMS. Will this translator work between an All-in-1 and MacWrite document?
Digital confirmed that WPS-Plus format is different and the translator won't work with All-in-1.

We found the following product information:

Direct-To-1 allows users to send Macintosh files to other All-In-1 users with a Macintosh 512KE or later; Reflection V3.4 or later; Digital VAX All-In-1.

Direct-To-1 is a utility for the Digital VAX that allows Reflection users to send Macintosh files to other All-In-1 users. When used with Walker Richer & Quinn's Reflection 2 for the Macintosh, users can send a variety of file formats over any supported asynchronous or network connection to a VAX host. Direct-To-1 offers convenience and security features that make All-In-1 a effective communications tool for business users.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012