A/UX: Changing Slice Number with dp (8/94)

I have a problem with my A/UX hard drive (Micronet 400MB with all the
database software). The drive was partitioned into 11 partitions, for

Swap : slice 1
Ingres : Slice 2
Oracle : Slice 3
Informix : Slice 4

Now I have several different partitions with the same slice number:
slice╩3. The partitions map seems to be OK (blocks, type of partition, and
so on), except the slice number. Do you know if it's possible to change
the slice number of a partition by using the dp command, and without losing
the information?

First, make sure all partitions' physical starting locations don't overlap.

Suppose your Micronet disk drive's SCSI ID is 5, and has two disk partition
entries (5 and 6) with the same slice number 3, and you want to change
entry 6 with the new slice number 8. Log in as root and do the following:

# dp /dev/rdsk/c5d0s31
--->Command? p6 <==== Your input # view partition entry 6
--->Command? c6 <==== Your Input # change partition entry 6
--->DPME Field? b <==== Your Input # change BZB
--->BZB Field? s <==== Your Input # change slice number
--->Slice number + 1 [3]: 9 <==== Your Input # assign slice number 8
Note: [3] indicates the current slice number
--->BZB Field? q <==== Your Input # quick BZB mode
--->DPME Field? q <==== Your Input # quick DPME mode
--->COmmand? w <==== Your Input # write changes
--->Command? q <==== Your Input # quick dp

Note that the s slice number (bzb_slice) command in the BZB-field mode
isn't documented in either dp(1M) hard copy document or the dp(1M) on-line
manual pages.

Article Change History:
30 Aug 1994 - Reviewed

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012